Toddler Music Curriculum

A 10-month course with all 20 lesson plans from the 'Bounce and Sing' Curriculum and over 510 music tracks - enough for you to teach a year-long program to children 1-3-years-old

What Do You Gain?

By the end of this course, you will have the capacity to deliver 20 age-appropriate music sessions covering 10 different activities a week to your groups of children aged 1-3.

You will be supported by written suggestions and recorded music — backing tracks and vocal tracks if needed.

You will feel confident that what you are doing has real educational value.

Who is This Course For?

You may be an early childhood educator, a school teacher, a music /dance /drama teacher, a librarian, a singer or other performer, a speech therapist, a parent /carer /grandparent, or an early childhood student.

All you need is an interest in the well-being of young children, curiosity about the power of music, and a love of community-music-making.

You don't need to be able to read music.

Course Contents

Preschool and Junior Music Curriculum is a highly practical, self-directed course where you receive two lesson plans per month to learn and deliver to your own group of children

As you make your way through the down-loadable written and audio resources,

you can immediately apply what you learn in your early learning centre, kindergarten, school classroom, library, performing arts academy, private music studio, therapy rooms, or at home with your own children.

At the end, you will have a collection of 20 lesson plans and massive library of musical recordings that you can use in your music sessions for years. Downloading the music each month automatically licenses you to make use of it in your teaching practice with up to 200 children per enrolment period. If your enrolment is more than that, please reach out for an extended license.

Following written lesson plans is an easy way to start working musically with young children, so applying what you learn in this course will give you great confidence in engaging a child or a group of children.

You will add to your early learning skill-set by following the many practical examples of how to do the ten music activities — and all the monthly variations as different songs are introduced.

When you know how to deliver prepared lesson plans, you will hopefully come to understand how to create your own music program using your favourite songs and the songs of the children and their families.

5 Learning Outcomes for the Children

Skilful delivery of activity songs affects children's


strong sense of personal, group, and cultural identity


strong sense of belonging, social connections, and respect for diversity


strong in social, emotional, and physical wellbeing


strong dispositions and strategies for learning in, through and about sound and music


effective communication and literacy in musics and other languages

Course Contents

Toddler Music Curriculum is a highly practical, self-directed course where you receive two lesson plans per month to learn and deliver to your children.

It is a way to get our revised 'Bounce and Sing' curriculum on a monthly payment.

The course is written by written by Carol Biddiss M.Ed.

As you make your way through the down-loadable written and audio resources,

you can immediately apply what you learn in your early learning centre, kindergarten, school classroom, library, performing arts academy, private music studio, therapy rooms, or at home with your own children.

At the end of the 10 months, you will have a collection of 20 lesson plans and massive library of musical recordings that you can use in your music sessions for years. Downloading the music each month automatically licenses you to make use of the mp3s in your teaching practice with up to 200 children per enrolment period. If your enrolment is more than that, please reach out for an extended license.

Following written lesson plans is an easy way to start working musically with young children. As you apply what you learn in this course you will gain confidence in engaging a child or a group of children.

You will add to your early learning skill-set by following the many practical examples of how to do the ten music activities — and all the monthly variations as different songs are introduced.

When you know how to deliver prepared lesson plans, you will hopefully come to understand how to create your own music program using your favourite songs and the songs of the children and their families.

Course Structure

MONTH 1: 'We Play Music' and 'Sun Moon Star'

We begin with a welcome lesson that includes a short video showing children doing a music activity, and a text lesson on the screen for you informing you of the first 2 download files, your Musical Chid License information, and a recommended list of instruments you need to provide.

The following 2 lessons give a short introduction to the toddler lesson plan including information about the instruments, visual media, picture books and recorded music you need to deliver the music lessons.

Each month there are 2 Music Lesson Plans zip files for you to to download. (Each zip file contains a PDF + a set of MP3s)


We Play Music: jaunty songs and activities that encourage playfulness and movement to steady rhythms. Includes well-known nursery rhymes.

Sun Moon Star: majestic songs and activities with a focus on the sky and heavenly bodies. Includes nursery rhymes about the moon and stars.

MONTH 2: 'Up High in the Sky' and 'In My Boat'

2 Music Lesson Plans to download (PDF + MP3s), and 1 Text Lesson for you including the instruments, visual media, picture books and recorded music you need to deliver the music lessons


Up High in the Sky: cheerful songs and activities to encourage children to look around them. Includes nursery rhymes about a man and a woman who live in the sky.

In My Boat: nautical songs and activities featuring sailors, fishing and sea travel. Includes nursery rhymes about sailors.

MONTH 3: 'Hot Cross Buns' and 'My Hands and Fingers'

2 Music Lesson Plans to download (PDF + MP3s), and 1 Text Lesson for you including the instruments, visual media, picture books and recorded music you need to deliver the music lessons


Hot Cross Buns: delicious songs and activities about food, baking and eating. Includes nursery rhymes about roosters and hens.

My Hands and Fingers: practical songs and activities with a focus on hands, how they look and move, what they can do. Includes nursery rhymes about hands.

MONTH 4: 'Let's Go Out' and 'In the Big Bed'


Let’s Go Out: stimulating songs and activities with a strong emphasis on movement and going somewhere interesting. Includes nursery rhymes about adventure.

In the Big Bed: enticing songs and activities for snuggling in, pretending to be asleep, waking up and playing in bed. Includes nursery rhymes about bedtime.

MONTH 5: 'Baa Moo Oink' and 'Thunder Wind Rain'


Baa! Moo! Oink! cheerful songs and activities about a variety of farm animals, farmers’ produce and farming practices. Includes nursery rhymes about animals.

Thunder Wind Rain: evocative songs and activities about wet, stormy and windy weather with sound effects. Includes nursery rhymes about wind and rain.

MONTH 6: 'Up and Down' and 'To Market to Market'


Up and Down: irresistible songs and activities about bouncing, swinging and moving to steady rhythms. Includes nursery rhymes about movement.

To Market To Market: scrumptious songs and activities with a focus on food, markets, fruits and vegetables. Includes nursery rhymes about foodstuffs.

MONTH 7: 'Animal Antics' and 'The Marvellous Man'


Animal Antics: fascinating songs and activities with intriguing lyrics including a selection of elephant songs. Includes nursery rhymes about mystical animals.

The Marvellous Man: vigorous songs and activities featuring Father, Uncle, Papa, and others doing magical things - celebrating the roles of men in stories. Includes nursery rhymes about men.

MONTH 8: 'Rig-a-jig' and 'Little Green Frog'


Rig-a-jig: bouncy songs and activities about things that move unexpectedly and result in strange occurrences. Includes nursery rhymes about rainstorms.

Little Green Frog: aquatic songs and activities with an emphasis on frogs and other water-living animals. Includes nursery rhymes about water animals.

MONTH 9: 'Alive Outside' and 'Teddy Bear'


Alive Outside: light and airy songs and activities with a focus on the life lived outdoors where children thrive. Includes nursery rhymes about people outside.

Teddy Bear: intriguing songs and activities about Teddy and other bears playing and playing up. Includes nursery rhymes about home life.

MONTH 10: 'Hide and Seek' and 'Christmas Tree'


Hide & Seek: mysterious songs and activities about things that disappear, hide or turn up in strange places. Includes nursery rhymes about missing pets.

Christmas Tree: sparkling Christmas favourites including songs, games, dances and instrumentals. Includes nursery rhymes about Christmas celebrations

The Course at a Glance

Duration 10 Hrs

Reading / Singing Time

10 Modules

21 Lessons

2 Ages



20 Music Lesson Plan PDFs

212 + Songs

512 MP3s

10 Monthly Payments

How Much is This Course?

This course is currently on a special offer.

It's normally $67.40 AUD if you buy 2 single Lesson Plans a month from the Bounce and Sing Curriculum.

If you enrol in this course now, you will get the same 2 Lesson Plans for just $57AUD per month!

Total Package Price: $570 AUD spread over a Monthly Payment Plan for ten months.

This means your credit card is debited $57 per month for 10 months and then the automatic payments stop.

We give you an extra month's access to the course to store all your downloads on your computer or hard drive.

Then you have the 'Bounce and Sing' Toddler Music Curriculum to use for as long as you wish.

This price is for an individual.

Childcare Centres & Music Schools, please contact for group staff pricing.

Want to try before you buy? Get the SAMPLE TODDLER MUSIC LESSON PLAN

We Play Music Lesson Plan

100% discount FREE Sample (Valued at $33.70AUD)

Click the Link- Add to Cart - add the COUPON CODE: G3WNABQX

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